On Monday night (August 19, 2024) our client RFA conducted a full nine-engine test of their first stage on the launch stool at SaxaVord Spaceport. Unfortunately there was an anomaly which resulted in a fire on the stool. These tests are designed to identify faults and issues prior to a full test flight campaign and are all carried out in a highly controlled and regulated environment.

It is far too early to know what caused the anomaly but I am confident that once RFA get to the bottom of it they will rectify the situation and carry on with their programme. Like all in the sector their team are passionate, committed and ultra professional in how they go about their business and we at SaxaVord have nothing but praise for all of them.

Because our own personnel carried out their duties and roles professionally and with their normal good natured approach nobody was injured or hurt. They followed the protocols set down under our Spaceport Licence and supervised by the Spaceport Manager Dave Barr carried the SaxaVord flag proudly.

As CEO I can only express my gratitude to them all. Space is a high risk / high reward sector and there will be lots of highs and lows in all our journeys. This anomaly was inevitable and there will be more. As long as we all do our jobs to the best of our ability then they will be resolved, we will all learn and SaxaVord Spaceport and the space economy will grow.

Followers of SpaceX will know that in their early days they had several “moments” resulting in damage to both launch pads and launch vehicles but now with over 90 launches last year they have proven that space transportation is as reliable and safe as any other form of transport.

As ever we will use this as a learning experience we will work with RFA to help them in any way that we can and we will look forward to those first launches from the UK with eager anticipation.

Source: SaxaVord Spaceport

Berlin, 23 November 2023 – Rocket Factory Augsburg (RFA) and the German Space Agency in the German Aerospace Center (DLR) today announced the winners of the second round of the payload competition for German launcher systems at an event in Berlin. Eight customers with a total payload of 200kg will fly on the second test flight of the RFA ONE. After the first flight of the RFA ONE was fully booked, there was more demand than capacity for the second flight.

After RFA won the DLR Microlauncher competition organized by the German Space Agency in the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in April 2022, the company was awarded prize money of 11 million euros. As part of this, RFA was able to secure the German government as an anchor customer for the first two flights. Following this success, satellite manufacturers, research institutes and start-ups were invited to apply for these flights in a call for tenders issued by DLR. A jury of experts has now selected eight missions/winners with a total payload of 200 kg for the second test flight of RFA ONE, which will reach a sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of 500 km. In this orbit, the satellites will be precisely positioned and can be rapidly commissioned to fulfil their individual missions. The launch is planned for the end of 2024.

DLR received more applications for the second flight of RFA ONE than for any other small launcher. The demand was significantly higher than the available capacity. The fact that the second flight is fully booked once again confirms RFA’s technological and commercial leadership.

Jörn Spurmann, RFA’s Chief Commercial Officer, said: “We are delighted with the high demand for our second launch, which underlines the growing confidence in our launch service product and the RFA team. The successful partnership with the German Space Agency (DLR) is seen as a pioneering model for efficient cooperation at the European level. The European Launcher Challenge, initiated by Germany, is a promising approach to increase the use of private launch services by institutions and countries. We are now doing all we can to lay the foundations for these promising developments with the first flight next year”.

The payload competition is part of the German Space Agency’s micro-launcher competition at the German Aerospace Center. The aim of this programme is to drive forward the commercialization of European space and to improve the independence and competitiveness of companies and research institutions, particularly in the field of smaller payloads.

“We see these competitions as a catalyst and pioneer for the commercialization of space activities in Germany and Europe,” says Dr. Walther Pelzer, DLR Executive Board Member and Director General of the German Space Agency at DLR.

The following missions will be on board the second test flight of RFA ONE:

MIDAS - DLR Cologne (Germany)

MIDAS will investigate the self-assembly of structures formed by active self-propelled microswimmers, and the long-term stability of these aggregates under microgravity conditions. Microswimmers are model systems that mimic the motion of cells and microorganisms. In suspension, they form aggregates that can be solidified into so-called active materials that can convert energy into mechanical motion on a microscopic scale. Such active materials possess great potential in applications as smart materials that can adapt their physical properties to changes in the environment. The proposal is in line with the ESA SciSpaceE White Paper defining the road map for Soft Matter and Biophysics (§2.6). The payload proposed here is derived from a payload previously flown several times on the MAPHEUS sounding rocket.

SPACEMAST - DLR Braunschweig (Germany)

The SpaceMast Camera Mast is a deployable camera mast mounted directly to the Redshift OTV of RFA ONE. Once the Redshift OTV reaches the first target orbit, a 7m composite mast is deployed with a camera on its tip, to full (7m) or intermediate length (e.g. 2 m) for overview or closer view video footage of the OTV and the payloads being released/deployed. The camera mast can be retracted for further OTV transfer maneuvers and deployed again to make video footage of further payloads to be deployed.

Platform 9 - Endurosat (Bulgaria)

Platform-9 is part of EnduroSat’s Shared Satellite Constellation, which offers visionary companies the shortest and most affordable path to orbit for deploying their services, in-orbit testing and validation. EnduroSat’s unique software-defined NanoSat architecture allows for multiple sensors to operate together reliably on a single satellite, resulting in outstanding sustainable space service. Fewer satellites in orbit, used with much higher efficiency, shared as a common resource in orbit. Furthermore, EnduroSat’s redundant multi-master architecture provides unique payload operations reliability.

VIBES Pioneer - Hochschule Bremen (Germany)

VIBES Pioneer is a 3U CubeSat. The goal of the mission is to improve the optical performance of spacecraft using digital technologies. The spacecraft hosts an optical payload equipped with a light and cost-effective disturbance measurement and management system. During each image acquisition, accelerometers log the perturbations emitted by reaction wheels and their propagation along the satellite structure. Passive isolators placed on the structural path between the reaction wheel and the camera will reduce the disturbances. An active line-of-sight system for fine-pointing control of the payload will further improve the performance. The generated image data and satellite status information will be delivered to the ground with a software-defined radio.

PW3-Sat3 - University of Warsaw (Poland)

PW-Sat3 is the third satellite constructed by the Students’ Space Association at the Warsaw University of Technology in Poland. Following the deorbit sail demonstration performed by the PW-Sat2 team, the student team designed a butane warm-gas propulsion system with an additional heating chamber and membrane for pressurization. According to the mission plan, the device will perform orbit correction and deorbiting maneuvers to address the collision risk and space debris problems.

Flamingo - Vyoma (Germany)

Flamingo is a pilot mission for a satellite constellation to be deployed in an orbit around Earth. The remaining ten satellites shall be deployed from 2025 (the so-called Flamingo NextGen mission). Current trends point to a continuous increase in congestion of the near-Earth space environment, and novel approaches to detection, characterization, tracking and management of traffic must be sought to ensure space remains a safe, integral part of societies and economies worldwide, in a cost-effective manner. Vyoma’s satellites will passively monitor the space environment using optical onboard cameras and provide frequent updates to the ground. The data generated by the constellation shall enhance current space situational awareness (SSA) capabilities and enable satellite owners to make informed operational decisions.

3Cat-8 - Universitat Politecnica De Catalunya (Spain)

The 3Cat-8 mission is a comprehensive satellite project encompassing educational, scientific, and technological objectives. It offers a unique educational opportunity, being primarily executed by students with support from industry contributions, including advanced technologies like an ionic thruster and OWL. The mission also focuses on ground-breaking scientific endeavours, notably the near-simultaneous ionospheric scintillation monitoring using GNSS Radio Occultation, and capturing the ionosphere’s multispectral polarized emission imaging. This is complemented by Radio Frequency Interference monitoring in both L- and K- bands.

MOVE-BEYOND - Technische Universität – WARR e.V. (Germany)

The MOVE-BEYOND mission is dedicated to testing the innovative MOVE-BEYOND bus system, a pivotal development in satellite technology. This system is designed with a novel approach that emphasizes scalability and flexibility, enabling it to accommodate a diverse range of payloads. In line with this, it presents a unique opportunity for payloads that do not yet have a defined bus system. This mission represents a significant step forward in making satellite technology more adaptable and inclusive of various research and application needs, potentially revolutionizing how payloads are integrated and deployed in space missions.

About Rocket Factory

Rocket Factory Augsburg was founded in 2018 with the vision to enable data generating business models in space to better monitor, protect and connect our planet Earth. Against this background, the company’s goal is to offer launch services of up to 1.300kg into low Earth orbits and beyond on a weekly basis at highly competitive prices. With this, RFA wants to democratize access to space and reduce the launch costs in the space industry. The RFA ONE launch service combines three key competitive advantages: A customer-focused service with precise in-orbit delivery and a high degree of mission flexibility through its Redshift OTV; at a highly competitive price; made possible by superior staged combustion technology, low-cost stainless-steel structures and usage of industrial components. In June 2023, RFA became the first company in Europe to fire a complete upper stage with a staged combustion engine for the entire duration of the flight. In August, American investor KKR acquired a stake in RFA.

Source: RFA

Three pioneering German NewSpace companies, Rocket Factory Ausburg (RFA), Yuri, and ATMOS Space Cargo (ATMOS) announced their new partnership and launch of their joint end-to-end service for microgravity life science research and product development at this year’s edition of Weltraumkongress in Berlin, Germany. This holistic solution represents an unprecedented and flexible alternative to the ISS laboratory and initiates a new generation for microgravity research and thus advancement in biotech, life science, and product development worldwide.

THREE NewSpace experts – ONE microgravity service

In this consortium, Rocket Factory Augsburg is responsible for the entire launch service, including the launch system, infrastructure, outbound logistics, and the operational launch campaign. RFA will be delivering ATMOS Space Cargo’s Phoenix capsule with Yuri’s ScienceTaxi to the precise target orbit in a flexible and low-cost manner. The company will be responsible for the integration of the Phoenix space capsule onto its RFA ONE launch system while providing late access to the payload.

The launch campaigns are to be carried out from SaxaVord Spaceport (previously known as Shetland Space Center) on Unst, the most northerly of the Shetland Islands in Scotland, UK.

Yuri operates the ScienceTaxi, which will be integrated into the Phoenix capsule by ATMOS Space Cargo. With its groundbreaking life science incubator and bioreactor solutions, Yuri will be responsible for the execution of biotech research and manufacturing in space.

ATMOS Space Cargo is responsible for the re-entry logistics and operating the return mission of the Phoenix return capsule which will be carrying Yuri’s ScienceTaxi. ATMOS will supervise and execute the safe return from low Earth orbit (LEO) to the Azores and carry out the early retrieval of the capsule after landing as well as the recovery mission to the final location.

Jörn Spurmann, CCO at Rocket Factory Augsburg: “With “Eva” we will set up a unique global service that will allow breakthrough insights in BioTech and product development. Customers receive a complete solution from three experts in their respective fields, allowing them to focus on their core business. We are also particularly proud to be able to fully map the value chain with our partners in Germany. This is a great sign of German NewSpace Industry capability.”

Maria Birlem, Co-CEO at Yuri: “In this new era of space exploration and commercialization, Europe and Germany must not only witness, but actively shape the future. With the combined strengths of Rocket Factory Augsburg, ATMOS Space Cargo, and Yuri, we’re not just aiming to level the playing field with the USA; we’re setting our sights on pioneering new frontiers in LEO commercialization. It’s high time Europe takes its rightful place at the forefront of space innovation.”

Christian Grimm, Lead Systems Engineer and Co-Founder of ATMOS Space Cargo: “We are excited to establish the first full end-to-end service for biotech research in microgravity and thus creating new possibilities to utilize space for in-orbit product development. With our partners at Yuri and at the Rocket Factory Augsburg, we will boost the German NewSpace industry to the forefront of Europe’s expertise in space. This will mark the turning point for affordable in-orbit science and a possible role model for the commercialization of space – launch, return, repeat!”

About Rocket Factory Augsburg

Rocket Factory Augsburg was founded in 2018 with the goal to offer launch services of up to 1.300kg into low Earth orbits and beyond on a weekly basis at highly competitive prices. RFA wants to democratize access to space to enable the collection of data from above to better understand, connect and protect our planet Earth.

About Yuri

Yuri is a space biotech company that uses the microgravity environment of space to develop and manufacture superior biotech products. Yuri develops modular bioreactors and incubators for cell cultures, protein crystals or plants, launching them to the ISS and other spacecraft for scientists around the world.

About ATMOS Space Cargo

ATMOS Space Cargo GmbH specializes in the development and manufacturing of technology to return cargo of any size from space, from microgravity experiments, commercial products to entire rocket stages.

Source: Rocket Factory Ausburg

Grantown-on-Spey, Scotland – October 27, 2023. Launch service provider RFA UK (Rocket Factory Ltd) has received £3.5 million to support its plans to launch from SaxaVord Spaceport in the Shetland Islands. The announcement comes as UK Science Minister, George Freeman, visits SaxaVord Spaceport to see progress at the site and meet key members of RFA UK.

The funding was awarded by the UK Space Agency as part of the European Space Agency (ESA), Boost! Programme, which aims to help innovative companies develop new launch technologies and bring them to market. With the UK contributing as the third nation to the RFA ONE development via C-STS Boost!, RFA AG is the most endorsed commercial launch service development within the C-STS Boost! Programme.

RFA UK will use the funding to develop and operate the infrastructure and test equipment needed to enable them to launch the RFA ONE launch system from SaxaVord Spaceport, planned for Q2 2024. RFA UK and SaxaVord Spaceport anticipate around 90 skilled jobs will be created locally when the spaceport arrives to full operational capability including spaceport operations and administration, integration, testing and launch.

A subsidiary of Rocket Factory Augsburg AG (RFA AG), the UK company is headquartered in Grantown-on-Spey, Scotland. RFA AG will have exclusive access to the SaxaVord’s ‘Fredo’ launch pad from where it plans to provide a regular cadence of launch services as one of the spaceport’s anchor customers. RFA UK was set-up to implement and operate launch-specific system and test equipment to support RFA AG’s planned launches from SaxaVord Spaceport.

Measuring 30 metres tall and 2 metres wide, the RFA ONE launch vehicle is a three-stage launch vehicle capable of deploying up to 1,300 kg to a 500 km polar orbit. The rocket uses efficient and environmentally friendly Helix staged-combustion engines, stainless steel tanks and standardised components from other industries to offer flexible, low-cost and precise transportation into orbit with its Redshift OTV.

Jörn Spurmann, Managing Director, RFA UK and Chief Commercial Officer, RFA AG: “The support received from the UK Space Agency underscores their strong confidence in our approach. We are eagerly anticipating our inaugural orbital launch from the SaxaVord Spaceport in the UK. This event will further cement our position as the pioneers in European commercial spaceflight. At the same time, it demonstrates the unwavering confidence the European Space Agency has in our strategy. With the UK contributing as the third nation to the RFA ONE development via C-STS Boost!, we solidify our role as a genuine European launch service provider and the most endorsed commercial launch service development within the C-STS Boost! Programme. We are absolutely delighted to reciprocate this faith and support.”

George Freeman MP, Minister of State at the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology, said: “The UK’s high growth £17bn space industry is on the frontline of advanced satellite manufacturing and satcomms technology and services, and set to grow fast as the commercial Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellite sector expands in the next decade. Through our c£1.5bn UK space funding programmes the Government is backing satcomms technology, space science, missions and infrastructure to support the commercial satellite sector.

This £3.5 million investment will enable RFA UK to develop the technologies necessary to launch from SaxaVord Spaceport in Scotland, creating dozens of jobs locally and growing the Scottish cluster as a key part of the UK space sector.”

Matt Archer, Director of Launch, UK Space Agency said: “Our investment to Rocket Factory Augsburg (RFA) UK demonstrates our continued commitment to make the UK Europe’s leading destination for launch by encouraging the development of launch companies. This contract will help RFA UK and SaxaVord Spaceport prepare for their first launch, creating high skilled jobs and supporting Government’s vision for the UK to be Europe’s most attractive launch destination by 2030.”

Scott Hammond, SaxaVord Spaceport deputy CEO, said: “We are delighted that the UK Space Agency has awarded this funding to our client to help them progress towards launch from our site in Unst, the UK’s first vertical launch spaceport.”

UK Government Minister for Scotland, John Lamont, said: “The Scottish space sector continues to go from strength to strength with the latest figures showing an almost £40 million increase in income and more than 100 new highly-skilled jobs with support from the UK Government. This new funding will help support launches from SaxaVord Spaceport in Shetland, and maintain UK leadership in this sector.”

About Rocket Factory

Rocket Factory Augsburg was founded in 2018 with the vision to enable data generating business models in space to better monitor, protect and connect our planet Earth. Against this background, the company’s goal is to offer launch services of up to 1.300kg into low Earth orbits and beyond on a weekly basis at highly competitive prices. With this, RFA wants to democratize access to space and reduce the launch costs in the space industry. The RFA ONE launch service combines three key competitive advantages: A customer focused service with precise in-orbit delivery and a high degree of mission flexibility through its Redshift OTV; at a highly competitive price; made possible by superior staged combustion technology, low-cost stainless-steel structures and usage of industrial components.

Source: Rocket factory Ausburg

Augsburg, Germany – June 2, 2023. Launch service provider Rocket Factory Augsburg AG (RFA) has successfully hot fired its upper stage for a full duration of 280 seconds. This marks the successful completion of the Integrated System Test (IST) campaign, in which a staged-combustion Helix engine was integrated into an upper stage tank system and hot fired several times up to full duration in the final test. This is the 1st time in Europe that a privately developed staged combustion upper stage has been successfully hot fired.

In the now successfully completed IST campaign, all stage level systems and components were tested. The final test was a full duration burn of 280 seconds. This makes RFA the 1st private company in Europe to successfully hot fire a stage with a staged-combustion engine for its full duration. With this long duration burn, the Helix engine is now qualified at the same time for both first and second stage flight.

”The upper stage performed flawlessly and ran through the full 310s autosequence without tripping any redlines. The engine run-time was 280s and no damages could be identified after the test. This is the first successful qualification test of our upper stage, and we are super proud of our team for designing, building and testing in such a time- and money-efficient fashion” said Dr. Stefan Brieschenk, the company’s Chief Operating Officer. “The data we have collected will allow us to tune all stage sub-systems, for both the upper and first stage. Our next big step is the first stage hot firing test. We are approaching our first launch with great strides, it is getting serious.”

Dr. Stefan Tweraser, RFA’s Chief Executive Officer added: “This successful test is a massive leap forward for us. It’s a full confirmation of our strategy to develop a small launcher that is both very powerful and achieves cost-leadership. With this full duration test we have demonstrated again that we are able to complete more milestones with less, but smarter investments than any of our competitors”.

The campaign, which was conducted at Esrange Space Center in Sweden, is the most important milestone in the development process so far: 280 seconds of steady-state combustion proved the functionality and compatibility of all upper stage systems, including fueling processes, fuel management, pressurization, sensors, propulsion and control. Valuable data was collected for further engine and stage optimization. RFA will now focus on the assembly of the first stage and continue the construction work on the launch pad.

About staged combustion

Back in July 2021, RFA became the first company in the European Union to successfully develop and test a staged combustion engine with a successful eight-second hot fire test. This made RFA the third commercial company in the world to successfully test a staged combustion rocket engine on a large scale. This was followed in August 2022 by a hot fire campaign of the Helix in flight configuration with a total burn time of 74 seconds. The same engine was fired and stopped three times without having to replace any components.

The staged combustion technology is characterized by higher efficiency and performance compared to conventional open-cycle rocket engines. The partially unburned exhaust gases from the turbopump are fed into the main combustion chamber, avoiding the release of unburned fuel. Recycling the exhaust significantly increases the efficiency of the launch vehicle while reducing launch costs and minimizing CO2 emissions during rocket launches.

About Rocket Factory

Rocket Factory Augsburg was founded in 2018 with the vision to enable data generating business models in space to better monitor, protect and connect our planet Earth. Against this background, the company’s goal is to offer launch services of up to 1.300kg into low Earth orbits and beyond on a weekly basis at highly competitive prices. With this, RFA wants to democratize access to space and reduce the launch costs in the space industry. The RFA ONE launch service combines three key competitive advantages: A customer focused service with precise in-orbit delivery and a high degree of mission flexibility through its Redshift OTV; at a highly competitive price; made possible by superior staged combustion technology, low–cost stainless steel structures and usage of industrial components.

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